IP News
94Trade Surplus of $180 Million on Intellectual Property in Korea in 20232024-04-0512
93A Maximum Sentence of 18 Years in Prison If Stolen Abroad of National Core Technology2024-04-018
92Summary of the Revised Unfair Competition Prevention Act2024-03-189
91The Gist of Revised Patent Act2024-03-149
90Revision of Patent Law, Design Protection Law and Trademark Law2023-07-258
89Historic Record on Application Number of Industrial Property in Korea2022-02-07 4
88Revision of Patent Law, Design Protection Law and Trademark Law effective from April 20, 2..2022-01-127
87New Damages Calculation Rule - Trademark Act, Design Protection Act, and Unfair Competitio..2021-01-04 5
86Trademark Act and Design Protection Act Amended - Right Holder May Be Awarded up to Three ..2020-11-06 3
85Amendment Bill to Change Patent Infringement to Offense Indictable Without a Complaint2020-09-182
84Enhancement of Damage Compensation for Patent Infringement2020-06-263
83Electronic Exchange of Priority Documents for Design Applications with JPO2019-12-238
82Trademark Registrations Can Be Renewed by Any One of the Co-Owners.2019-10-174
81KIPO Expands Subjects of Expedited Examination in Trademarks2019-10-172
80A “Treble Damage System” is Applied to an Infringer of a Patent Right “On Purpose”.2019-10-173
79The Subjects of the Accelerated Examination were Changed.2019-10-176
78Opportunities for Adding/Correcting Inventors were Expanded.2019-10-17 3
77Electronic Exchange of Priority Documents for Design Applications with USPTO2019-10-174
76Electronic Exchange of Priority Documents for Design Applications with SIPO2019-10-176
75The Revised UCPA Expands Protection for Trade Dress2019-10-175
74Patent Applications regarding Technologies of the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution, suc..2019-10-176
73KIPO Expands Expedited Examination to Technical Fields of 4IR Technology2019-10-175
72Amendment of Korean Design Act regarding Exception to Lack of Novelty(Effective as of Sept..2017-12-143
71Intellectual Property Framework Act file2017-12-143