![0a9a660792e2ba2d6831ea973005c7d5_4N3s6jM6bZLlRdH9k5CZ.jpg 0a9a660792e2ba2d6831ea973005c7d5_4N3s6jM6bZLlRdH9k5CZ.jpg](https://myungshin01.mycafe24.com/wp-content/plugins/mangboard/includes/mb-file.php?path=2024%2F05%2F25%2FF32_0a9a660792e2ba2d6831ea973005c7d5_4N3s6jM6bZLlRdH9k5CZ.jpg)
We are pleased to inform you that our Managing Partner, Mr. Myung-Shin KIM had the honor of receiving the Presidential Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit on May 15, 2013. style="color:> style="color:> style="color:>Since he established his firm in 1972, Mr. Kim has successfully dedicated himself to a very wide range of style="color:> style="color:>law-related activities such as enacting and amending relevant intellectual property laws, reforming a style="color:> style="color:>number of legal systems, including procedures of the Written Expert Opinion, publishing a number of style="color:> style="color:>written works, and giving lectures. In particular, he has been closely involved with establishment of style="color:> style="color:>the Korean Patent Court, revision of the Patent Attorneys Examination & Training System, publication of style="color:> style="color:>I. P. Case Law, and most recently, the enactment of the Korean Intellectual Property Framework Act, which style="color:> style="color:>is the core and fundamental law for the development of IP system as well as protection of Intellectual style="color:> style="color:>Property rights in Korea. style="color:> style="color:> style="color:>Furthermore, he served as President of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association (1996-1998) and style="color:> style="color:>President of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (2000-2003). style="color:> style="color:>During the service periods, he was dedicated to domestic and worldwide activities through Intellectual style="color:> style="color:>Property businesses. style="color:> style="color:> style="color:>Presently, he is President of the I. P. Forum approved by the Korean National Assembly to lead a social and legal campaign for I. P. Innovation, and a member of the Presidential Council on Intellectual Property, which is the highest governmental organization on I. P. policy in Korea. In the Council, Mr. Kim acts as Chairman of the I. P. Protection Experts Committee. style="color:> style="color:> style="color:>In addition, Mr. Kim received the Presidential Bronze Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit in 1998, style="color:> style="color:>in recognition of his dedication in setting up the Patent Court in Korea, which is at the High Court level. style="color:> style="color:> style="color:>We believe that all of these honors have been bestowed partly as a result of your continuous cooperation style="color:> style="color:>and advice. We want to express our gratitude for your valuable support. |